Recommended Teaching with Comprehensible Input (T/CI) Resources:
Stephen D. Krashen, PhD – professor, author, speaker and father of modern SLA theory: See also Dr. Krashen’s work on The Power of Reading
Carol Gaab: T/CI advocate, trainer, author and host of annual iFLT conference; owner of Fluency Matters
Blaine Ray, inventor of TPRS, author of the “Green Bible,” and host of natio-wide workshops and annual NTPRS conference:
Terry Waltz, PhD Linguistics: This book is relevant to teaching Hebrew decoding/reading through a concept she developed for Mandarin called “Cold Character Reading” (CCR):
Terry Waltz, PhD.’s FANTASTIC blog:
Ben Slavic’s books: and online Professional Learning Community – Ben Slavic’s PLC
Robert Harrell’s T/CI FAQ Sheet (excellent overview for administrators and others):
MoreTPRS Listserv – Yahoo groups. Comprehension/proficiency-oriented World Language teacher’s site. Call-in talk show/podcast with Michigan State University professor and Second Language Acquisition guru, Dr. Bill VanPatten. Listen to the podcasts by topic. Read the edited down highlights only, here.
Jim Trelease on read-alouds:
Tina Hargaden’s school year (2016-17) of uploaded class recordings – Middle School Spanish and French: Tune in and learn from a real pro: